The most recent Criminal Law and trial reforms in Italy
Criminal reform, criminal reforms, criminal law, criminal trial reform, lawyers webinar
On 18 November 2024, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar ‘The Most Recent Reforms in Criminal Law and Trial’. During the webinar, the most important legislative changes in criminal law and trial of the last twelve months were reviewed. The most relevant legislative innovations were highlighted: from the ‘Roccella Reform’ (l. no. 168/2023) aimed at combating violence against women and domestic violence, to the ‘DDL Security’ on the subject of public safety, protection of personnel on duty and prison regulations; from the ‘Corrective Decree to the Cartabia Reform of the criminal trial’ (d. lgs. no. 31/2024) containing amendments to the Reform aimed at overcoming some critical issues that emerged in the first phase of implementation, to the ‘DDL Nordio on criminal justice’ (l. no. 114/2024) which reformed the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the judicial system and the Code of Military Order.
Organiser: Avvocato360
Date: 18 November 2024, 17:00-18:40
Speaker: Avv. Federica Liparoti, criminal defense lawyer at the Milan Bar, PhD in Criminal Law
