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Presumed Innocent

Presumed innocent Antenna 3 Telelombardia Stasi, Johanna, Parabiago Mantis, Gambara square murder

On Monday 17th February 2025, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a studio guest on the TV programme Presunto Innocente (Presumed Innocent), live on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia, providing a technical contribution in the analysis of recent crime cases.

During the broadcast, which was dense with content and contributions, the focus was initially on the open search for the alleged killer from Bergamo, to which two murders, still without a culprit, could be associated in the unsolved cases of Del Gaudio and Roveri.

On the topic of judicial news, recent developments on the detention of Alberto Stasi for the murder of Chiara Poggi were analysed. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recently rejected the appeal filed by the defence of Stasi, who was definitively sentenced in 2015 to 16 years in prison for the 2007 murder of his girlfriend in Garlasco. Stasi, now 40, has been allowed to work outside the Bollate prison during daytime hours since 2023. In the summer, Alberto Stasi could apply for probation at the Surveillance Court and be definitively released from prison.

We then returned to the case of Johanna Nataly Quintanilla Valle, the missing babysitter killed by her partner, Pablo Gonzalez Rivas, now in prison on suspicion of voluntary manslaughter, aggravated by contradictory statements. The victim's body has still not been found, despite intensive searches at the locations indicated by Mr Gonzalez Rivas.

The position of Ms. Adilma Pereira Carneiro, known as the Mantis of Parabiago, was then commented on, for whom new accusations were made that she had planned the murder of her ex-husband Michele Della Malva, who died in 2011 under mysterious circumstances during a leave of absence in Mesero, Milan. According to the indictment, Maurizio Massé was the material author of the murder. According to the investigation by the Legnano Carabinieri, Della Malva was allegedly killed by forcing him to swallow ‘a wrapper’ filled with cocaine. Ms Adilma Pereira Carneiro has been in prison since August 2024 on charges of having organised, together with her children and some lovers, the murder of her partner Fabio Ravasio, by simulating a car accident. The Busto Arsizio Public Prosecutor's Office does not rule out further investigations also into the death of the woman's first husband, Paulo Benedito, which allegedly occurred in Brazil in 2001 during a gunfight, whose murderer was never identified.

Finally, the latest news about the murder that took place in the bakery in Piazza Gambara in Milan, for which Raffaele Mascia, the baker's 21-year-old son, was arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter, attempted murder and illegal carrying of weapons. In the shooting on Saturday 15 February, a 49-year-old Ukrainian, Ivan Disar, died and one of his compatriots was wounded.

Avv. Federica Liparoti, Criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy
Avv. Federica Liparoti, Criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy
Avv. Federica Liparoti, Criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy


Presumed Innocent, Antenna 3, Telelombardia, bergamasca killer, release from prison Alberto Stasi, Jhoanna murder, feminicide, Mantis of Parabiago, Piazza Gambara murder

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