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Presumed Innocent

Presumed innocent Antenna 3 Telelombardia Jhoanna murder and Pifferi case in Milan, Italy

On Monday 10 February 2025, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a studio guest on the TV programme Presunto Innocente (Presumed Innocent), live on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia, providing a technical contribution in the analysis of recent crime cases.

Initially, it was the feminicide of Jhoanna Nataly Quintanilla Valle, a 40-year-old babysitter of Salvadoran origin, living in the Bicocca area of Milan, and the mystery of the missing corpse. Her boyfriend Pablo Heriberto Gozalez Rivas, according to statements made during interrogation, involuntarily killed the woman, breaking her neck during an erotic game gone wrong, and then closed the body in a duffel bag, throwing it in a country area near Cassano d'Adda. The body of the woman, who disappeared on 24 January, has not yet been found, however, and may have ended up in the Adda or Muzza canal. After collecting the man's confession, the judge in Milan validated the arrest and ordered him to be remanded in custody, as requested by the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, which charged him with aggravated murder and concealment of a corpse. The discovery of the corpse and the autopsy may help clarify the dynamics that occurred.

Next came updates on the case of Alessia Pifferi, accused of the murder of her 18-month-old daughter Diana, who was left to die of starvation. The Court of Appeal of Milan ordered that Ms Pifferi be subjected to a new psychiatric examination, replacing the examinations carried out at first instance, as a result of which the woman had been judged capable of understanding.

Federica Liparoti, criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy
Federica Liparoti, criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy


Presumed Innocent, Antenna 3, Telelombardia, Jhoanna murder, concealment of a corpse, feminicide, Pifferi case, new psychiatric expertise, capacity to understand, infanticide, life imprisonment.

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