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Giorgio Ambrosoli Graduation Prize

In 2001, the Municipality of Milan established a prize for the best degree and PhD theses in criminal law, awarded annually in memory of attorney-at-law Giorgio Ambrosoli, who was murdered in July 1979.
The prize is open to graduates on a master's degree course or PhD holders who have discussed in the year of reference a thesis on topics related to corruption phenomena and the relationship between the legal economy and the criminal economy, including the mafia.
In the 2012 edition, Federica Liparoti was awarded for her dissertation on 'Social capital, human development and crime'.
The award ceremony, which took place on 18 April 2013 in the Sala Orologio of Palazzo Marino in Milan, was attended by Mayor Giuliano Pisapia and family members of the murdered lawyer, as well as members of the judging panel.
In awarding the prizes, Mayor Pisapia said: 'The research activity of the young people we have honoured with the award in memory of Giorgio Ambrosoli is an example of how concrete his legacy is, it is a demonstration of what fruits for the community continue to come from his work. It is an acknowledgement of the scholarly value of these young people and a contribution that I hope will enable them to deepen and make even more stimulating the research they have carried out on the same themes to which the attoney-at-law Ambrosoli was dedicated'.
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