09.03.2025 On Monday 10.03, Federica Liparoti will be a studio guest on the TV programme ‘Presunto Innocente’, broadcast from 8.30 p.m. on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia, Digital Terrestrial Channel 11.
17.02.2025 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
10.02.2025 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
03.02.2025 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
27.01.2025 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
16.12.2024 Federica Liparoti took part in the discussion organised by Avvocato360 on ‘Building a successful career in the legal world: from university to the job market’.
25.11.2024 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
20.11.2024 Attorney Federica Liparoti speaked at the Legal Innovation Conference 2024 - ‘The Legal of the Future. Today.', hold on 19, 20 and 21 November 2024, with a presentation entitled “Agenda 2030 and Criminal Justice: Sustainable Development Goals”.
18.11.2024 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
18.11.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar ‘Le più recenti riforme in materia di Diritto Penale e processo’, organised by Avvocato360.
28.10.2024 Attorney Federica Liparoti participated on the TV program “Presumed Innocent” broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia.
21.10.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar “Il d.d.l. Sicurezza: modifiche in tema di diritto penale e processo”, organized by Avvocato360.
16.09.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar ‘Il d.d.l. Nordio sulla giustizia penale’, organised by Avvocato360.
15.06.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "Directive No. 2024/1385/EU on combating violence against women and domestic violence", organized by Avvocato360.
17.06.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar “The Corrective Decree to the Cartabia Reform of the criminal proceedings” organized by Avvocato360.
13.06.2024 On 24.06.2024, there will be a presentation of the preparation course for the Bar Examination, organised by Just Legal Services, in which lawyer Federica Liparoti will be lecturing in Criminal Law.
20.05.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "The Individual Appeal to the European Court of Human Rights: Criminal Profiles", organised by Avvocato360.
15.04.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar 'Drug offences', organised by Avvocato360.
09.04.2024 Federica Liparoti was interviewed in the webinar 'Building a successful career in the legal world today', conceived and moderated by Anna Elena Brolis, business coach in Milan.
19.02.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "Whistleblowing and the Supervisory Board under Legislative Decree 231/2001", organised by Avvocato360.
09.02.2024 Red Code, gender violence and Roccella Reform: the video-interviews given by Federica Liparoti have been published on Avvocato360 website.
23.01.2024 Federica Liparoti gave a lecture on the Criminal Liability of the RUP (i.e. Project Manager in the Italian public administrations) as part of the course "ABC RUP", organised by Just Legal Services - Scuola di Formazione Legale.
15.01.2024 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "Gender Violence: Roccella Reform and news on the Red Code", organised by Avvocato360.
18.12.2023 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "The criminal justice system after the Cartabia Reform: updates and first applications", organised by Avvocato360.
23.11.2023 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the third edition of the Legal Innovation Conference with the speech "The criminal trial of the future: from Minority Report to predictive justice". The conference was organised by Avvocato360 on 22-23-24 November.
16.10.2023 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "Criminal mediation and restorative justice in the Cartabia Reform", organised by Avvocato360.
25.09.2023 Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar "Caivano Decree: the novelties introduced by the decree on contrasting juvenile crime", organised by Avvocato360.
07.09.2023 Federica Liparoti was interviewed on Canale Italia's Story Time radio broadcast.