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The d.d.l. Nordio on criminal justice

DDL Nordio news, empty prisons, criminal justice, abuse of office, pre-trial detention, criminal trials

On 15 July 2024, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a speaker at the webinar ‘Il d.d.l. Nordio sulla giustizia penale’. The Nordio bill contains ‘amendments to the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Judicial Order and the Code of Military Order’. The webinar provided a detailed analysis of the provision, which consists of nine articles and abolishes the offence of abuse of office, modifies the offence of trafficking in unlawful influence, strengthens the protection of the freedom and secrecy of defence counsel's communications, introduces changes in the area of precautionary measures, and limits the prosecutor's power of appeal.

Organiser: Avvocato360

Date: 16 September 2024, 17:00-18:40

Speaker: Avv. Federica Liparoti, criminal lawyer at the Milan Bar, PhD in Criminal Law

👉 Presentation given by Avv. Liparoti

👉 Register for the webinar

News DDL Nordio, criminal justice, abuse of office, pre-trial detention, prison


DDL Nordio, criminal justice, L. 114/2024, abuse of office, pre-trial detention, prison, criminal trials, trafficking in influence, embezzlement by misappropriation

The DDL Nordio, presented by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio, is a bill that aims to reform the criminal justice system in Italy. The main proposals and changes included in the DDL concern different aspects of the criminal process, with the aim of making the system more efficient and ensuring greater protection of the rights of defendants. Here are some key points of the bill:


1. Abolition of the ‘full regime’ of pre-trial detention
The DDL proposes to limit the use of pre-trial detention, to avoid its excessive application, especially in cases of minor offences.


2. Changes to the wiretapping system
The DDL provides for restrictions on the use of telephone and environmental wiretapping, introducing more safeguards for the individuals involved. The aim is to reduce abuses and protect the privacy of individuals.


3. Greater attention to victims
It is proposed to strengthen the support and protection of crime victims, giving them greater access to services and justice.


4. Shortening trial times
One of the critical issues of the Italian legal system is the length of trials. The DDL Nordio envisages measures to speed up proceedings, improving the efficiency of the system.


5. Decriminalisation of certain offences
The bill provides for the revision of some offences, with the intention of decriminalising behaviour that does not pose a significant threat to society.


6. Reform of the figure of the judge
It is proposed to review certain functions of the judge, with the aim of streamlining the workload and improving the effectiveness of the legal system.


Criticism and Discussion
The DDL provoked various reactions. Some experts and associations, such as the magistrates' unions, expressed concerns about the risk of reduced guarantees for victims and possible impunity for perpetrators. On the contrary, supporters of the DDL claim that these reforms are necessary to modernise the legal system and make it fairer.


The DDL Nordio represents a significant step towards criminal justice reform in Italy, aiming to balance the rights of defendants and victims. However, ongoing discussions highlight the need to strike a balance between efficiency and the protection of rights.

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