Bar exam preparation course 2024
Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti will teach Criminal Law, giving lectures and carrying out practical exercises, in Milan or live online, in collaboration with the Scuola Nazionale di Preparazione all'Esame di Avvocato (National School of Preparation for the Bar Examination) of Just Legal Services - Scuola di Formazione Legale and with Sole 24 Ore Formazione.
Organiser: Just Legal Services - Scuola di Formazione Legale
Course date: 14 September to 6 December 2024, Saturdays 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. (duration 93 hours)
Method: Live Streaming or In a classroom in Milan
Admission requirements: Law degree
Toll-free number: 800 128 646
👉 Registration for the course presentation on 24.06.2024 at 19:00
The School's lessons take place, at the option of the subscriber, entirely by live streaming or in the classroom. The premises of Just Legal Services - Scuola di Formazione Legale are located in Milan, Via Laghetto 3 - 20122 MILAN, in the heart of Milan and a few steps from Piazza del Duomo. The venue is easily accessible: MM1 Duomo or San Babila, MM3 Duomo or Missori.
School Programme - Criminal Law Class (93 hours )
The Law School programme consists of 14 lessons of seven hours each + two hours (online) of deontology.
Techniques for reading, understanding, analysing and drafting procedural documents
The principle of legality and its corollaries. The offence in general. The constitutional model of the offence as a concrete offence against legal goods.
The typical fact. The conduct, offences without conduct, the omission, the consciousness and will of the action and omission, the event, the causal relationship: the limits of causal imputation and the concurrence of causes, omissive causality
Objective unlawfulness. General profiles and individual causes of justification. The non-codified justifying factors. Culpable excess and putative exculpation
Culpability. The psychological element of the crime, wilful misconduct and its forms, general and specific guilt, delegation of functions, pre-intentionality, strict liability, the psychological element in contraventions, the causes of exclusion of the psychological link, error and aberratio The concept of imputability
The concurrence of persons in the offence The concurrence of persons in the offence, culpable cooperation, abnormal concurrence, and the associative phenomenon
The attempt. The attempt and the impossible offence
The concurrence of offences. The concurrence of offences, the continuing offence, the apparent concurrence of norms
Special Part I. Crimes against the person
Special Section II. Crimes against the family
Special Section III. Crimes against sexual freedom
Special Part IV. On crimes against property
Possible exam track
Principles of forensic ethics (online only)