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Corruption of minors

Criminal lawyer in Milan for juvenile victims of corruption

A Corruption of Minors charge is often issued when an adult is suspected of committing an act that corrupted or tends to corrupt the morals of a person less than 16 years of age.


Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti, an English-speaking Italian criminal defense lawyer admitted to the Milan Bar, owner of the law firm of the same name in Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Criminal Law, assists juvenile victims of corruption free of charge (procedure named in Italy 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', a pro bono-like work, in which the lawyer's fee is paid by the Italian State) at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002.

Below is the text of the Italian criminal code which regulates this crime, followed by its translation.

Original Text:

Dispositivo dell'art. 530 Codice Penale

Articolo abrogato dalla L. 15 febbraio 1996, n. 66.
Chiunque, fuori dei casi preveduti dagli articoli 519, 520 e 521, commette atti di libidine su persona o in presenza di persona minore degli anni sedici, è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a tre anni.

Alla stessa pena soggiace chi induce persona minore degli anni sedici a commettere atti di libidine su se stesso, sulla persona del colpevole, o su altri. La punibilità è esclusa se il minore è persona già moralmente corrotta.


Operative part of Article 530 of the Italian Criminal Code

Article repealed by Law No 66 of 15 February 1996.

Anyone who, outside the cases provided for in Articles 519, 520 and 521, commits acts of lechery on a person or in the presence of a person under the age of sixteen years, shall be punished by imprisonment of from six months to three years.
The same punishment shall apply to anyone who induces a person under the age of sixteen to commit lecherous acts on himself, on the person of the offender, or on others. The punishment is excluded if the minor is a person already morally corrupted.

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